CSE104 - Web Programming

General description

Web Programming (CSE 104) introduces the languages, tools, and techniques specific to develop web-based applications. Students will develop a solid understanding of contemporary, dynamic and responsive website development following the current standards.
This is a hands-on practical course focusing on HTML/CSS and JavaScript language, as well as introducing server programming with PHP. At the end of the course, students will be able to program from scratch their own dynamic website.



General organization

The class will mainly consist of practical computer lab classes A small project will be conducted where students will develop their own website (client side only) following the current good practices.

Lectures content


Introduction to HTML to describe webpage, and CSS to set its visual appearance.


Tutorials on HTML and CSS (Basic HTML, Box Model, Classes, Div, Elements layout, Elements position, Responsiveness, Animation).

2. JavaScript

Initiation to the JavaScript language and its use on webpage to add some dynamic behaviors.

Lab: JavaScript

Tutorials on JavaScript (Events, Element of Language, GUI, Mouse and Keyboard, Animation, Canvas, API).

3. Server

Initiation to the server programming with PHP and NodeJS.

Lab: Server programming

Tutorials on server programming using PHP language.