JavaScript as a language

JavaScript, at the opposite of HTML and CSS, is a standard programming language able to automatize tasks. JavaScript is interpreted by the browser, which means that the browser parse and analyze directly the textual code, and then run it dynamically. Javascript is thus an interpreted language (like Python), at the opposite of compiled languages which are first transformed into byte code, later executed by the processor (like C, C++) or virtual machine (like Java).

> Dowload the following examples containing the codes that are discussed in the following parts.


The code in examples/01_declaration describes different ways of declaring variables.

Run the code in your browser and observe the printed results in the console. Compare the printed results with the code in `script.js` file.

Note that semicolons at the end of the line may be omitted when there is no ambiguity. It is recommended to keep explicit semicolons after every statement.

Use strict

Note the first line "use strict";.
This line indicates that the JavaScript code conforms to the more recent standard (ECMAScript 6). Note that the recent standard is stricter than the old one, limiting odd behaviors and bad practices.

As good practice, you should always conform to the most recent standard, thus adding "use strict"; and following this standard.


Note the three ways of declaring variables in JavaScript: const, let, var.

var is the old way of declaring variables (very commonly found on examples code on internet), while const/let are the new norm.

While explained in more details later, you should follow the following priority in declaring your variables:

Note. As good practice to help code lisibility, your variables should have


Run and observe the code from the second directory examples/02_string.

JavaScript Strings can be defined using simple or double quotes. Starting by simple/double quote must however respectively be ended with the same type of quote.

Note that template literals are an efficient and readable way of mixing text with values.

Conditionals and loops

Run and observe the code from the directory examples/03_conditional_loop. Note the influence of the scope delimited by { ... } on the different type of variable declaration.


Run and observe the code from the directory examples/04_array for example of use of JavaScript arrays.

Note that JavaScript arrays are naturally sparse container (actualy they are dictionaries) that can handle non consecutive, and even negative indexing. Take care to not confound with negative indexing in Python related to backward iteration. Index of JavaScript array can simply be seen as a key of a dictionary.

You may use dedicated functions on arrays such as find, slice, splice, fill, filter, concat, indexOf, etc.


Every JavaScript object can actually be seen as a dictionary, i.e. a set of property/key and value.

Run and observe the code from the directory examples/05_dictionary.


Run and observe the code from the directory examples/06_function.

Note that JavaScript functions are treated a normal variables. Functions are stored text, and are dynamically interpreted when called.


Exercise 1: Use of currentTarget

Consider the following code

  <div id="Box1" class="Box"></div>
  <div id="Box2" class="Box"></div>
  <div id="Box3" class="Box"></div>
.Box {
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 1em;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  border: 3px solid black;
  padding: 0.5em;
  vertical-align: top;

#Box1 {
  background-color: yellow;
#Box2 {
  background-color: magenta;
#Box3 {
  background-color: cyan;
"use strict";

const box1 = document.querySelector("#Box1");
const box2 = document.querySelector("#Box2");
const box3 = document.querySelector("#Box3");

box1.addEventListener("click", clickOnBox);
box2.addEventListener("click", clickOnBox);
box3.addEventListener("click", clickOnBox);

function clickOnBox(event)
  const element = event.currentTarget;
  /** To be completed */
In this example, the function clickOnBox can be called when the user click on Box1, 2, or 3. In order to differentiate which box has been clicked on, we can use the variable event.currentTarget refering to the element from which the listener has been called.
> Adapt the code of the function clickOnBox to display the text "Selected" with the index of the selected box.

Exercise 2: Using QuerySelectorAll

In the previous example, we query each box individually using their id (querySelector("#Box1/2/3)). A possible improvement is the use of the function QuerySelectorAll(selector) that will find all elements matching the selector. The return value of QuerySelectorAll is an array on which you need to iterate on.
> Adapt the code of the previous exercise in replacing the three querySelector with a single querySelectorAll function while preserving the same webpage behavior.
for(let k=0; k<box.length; k++) {
  const element = box[k];
  // use element here ...

Exercise 3 - Summary exercise

Create a program showing the history of the images which are clicked by the user similarily to the following example (link to images)

Note: Try to avoid defining a specific function for each image.
