A. Spheres falling under gravity
Path of the scene: [01_procedural/a_bouncing_spheres]
This code model procedurally the trajectory of a set of spheres falling under gravity.
- - Make sure you can compile and execute the code.
- Note: This is another source code, the procedure to run CMake and parameterization of your IDE has to be redone.
- > Try to find the initial velocity of the particles ?
- Note: rand_interval(a,b) is a function generating a uniform value in the interval \([a,b[\).
- > Change the initial speed such that particles have a varying \(y\) component in their initial speed.
- Note how the particles are removed with the function remove_old_particles.
- > Change the delay between the emission of a new particle (variable timer.event_period) in the function scene_structure::initialize().
- > Implement such collision response in the system as an explicit parametric function.
- You only need to implement one bounce, not an arbitrary number of them.
- Tips:
- - You should modify the code of the function particle_structure::evaluate_position()
- - Limit the computation to one bounce
- - Compute first the time at which a particle intersects the ground.
- - Then set the new expression of the trajectory after the bouncing taking into account a small decrease of energy.
- Extra:
- In the previous example, the collision is explicitly displayed by some shadow-looking effect.
- > How could you model such effect ?
- > Try to implement it if you have time.
- In this case, you have implemented in a "procedural way" the trajectory as a "parametric function" = a trajectory which is fully defined from the input value \(t\). Such parametric approach has pros and cons:
- (+) The trajectory is "exact"
- The particle follows the expected parabola without suffering from error accumulation along time.
- (+) Efficient computation at "random" time.
- You can evaluate the position of the particle at an arbitrary time value (without requiring the position at a previous time).
- (-) Limited type of trajectory complexity.
- Only one bounce is modeled, extension to an arbitrary number is possible but more complex.
- Handling bouncing between colliding spheres would be even more complex.
B. User defined trajectory and billboards
Path of the scene: [01_procedural/b_billboards]
This code display a scene in loading some external .obj meshes: A cauldron and a spoon
- Note: The meshes files are stored in the directory assets/. This directory should be accessible from the place where your executable is run.
> Modify the code to model a scene similar to the following one.
- Tips
- - When dealing with the billboards, you may debug your trajectory in displaying a sphere instead of the semi-transparent texture.
- - The billboards should always face the camera.
- - The uniform value _material.alpha__ can send an alpha value to the shader to model a global time varying transparency level.